
The practice of Homeopathy is based upon science while its application is an art.

Homeopathy is founded on two principles that have occurred regularly throughout the history of medicine, both in eastern and western worlds. The first principle of ‘like cures like’ can be looked at in several ways. One way is to assume that the body knows what it is doing and that symptoms are the body’s way of taking action to overcome illness. This healing response is automatic in living organisms; we term it the vital response. The similar medicine acts as a stimulus to the natural vital response, giving it the information it needs to complete its healing work. Since the initial action of the vital response plus the medicine is to increase the strength of the symptoms, this is our first indication of internal healing taking place, of diseases being cured from within – pushed outwards along the established routes of past and present symptoms.

Before the medicines are decided upon, their curative powers are discovered by testing them out on healthy human subjects and carefully noting emotional, mental and physical changes. This is termed a ‘proving’. This information constitutes the basis for ‘like cures like’, for a medicine’s unique symptom picture must match up with the individual’s unique expression of their disease, that is, the present and persisting symptoms of the disease.

Homeopathy is so popular because Homeopathic treatment works with your body’s own healing powers to bring about health and well being. You are treated as an individual, not as a collection of disease labels. Homeopathy treats all your symptoms at all levels of your being – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical and finds the ‘like cures like’ match for them. Homeopathically prepared remedies, providing the minimum dose, are gentle, subtle and powerful. They are non-addictive, and not tested on animals.

Homeopathy is the best alternative system of medicine. It is the second largest system of medicine being practiced through out the world.

Looking its efficacy and power to cure chronic ailments permanently, without any side effect and also its continuing effectiveness, it has been proposed by WHO has recently upgraded the staus of Homeopathy due to its great demand and presence in almost all the countries of the World.
The World Health Organization estimates that homeopathy is used by 500 million people worldwide, making it the second most widely used medicine in the world.

In England, France, Germany and the Netherlands, homeopathy is included in the National Health Service. In France, 18,000 physicians prescribe homeopathic remedies. There are seven medical schools offering post graduate degrees in homeopathy and all 23,000 pharmacies carry homeopathic remedies. In England, 42% of British physicians refer patients to homeopaths.  The Royal family has used homeopathy for three generations. There are currently five homeopathic hospitals, and the oldest, the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, has been there for 100 years.

India has over 70,000 board certified homeopathic physicians, hundreds of homeopathic hospitals and clinics and many homeopathic medical schools. In Germany , 20% of Physicians prescribe homeopathic remedies. In the Netherlands, 45% of physicians consider homeopathy effective. Homeopathy is also practiced in Vienna, Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Pakistan, Greece, Belgium. Well known people who have used homeopathy The Royal family since 1830’s. Queen Elizabeth  is patron of the  Royal London Homeopathic  Hospital.